Glebe Road Surgery

1 Glebe Road, Barnes, London, SW13 0DR

Telephone: 020 8748 7398

We'll be open again at 8am every weekday

Covid-19 vaccination

Booster doses for patients that had their 2nd dose on 6th & 7th January will be on 29th September and 6th October.

We will extend invitations to eligible patients via the online booking system or we will call eligible patients who do not have a mobile telephone.


FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONSI’m over 50, can I book in my booster 3rd dose?

On the 14th of September, the JCVI approved a booster dose for all over 50’s, at least 6  months from their 2nd dose.  We will be inviting patients in for these according to the date of their 2nd vaccine. We will contact you when it is your turn. Please do not contact us.

Approximate date you can expect to be called:

Date of 2nd dose Booster dose approximate date
January, February, March Early-mid October
April Late October
May November
June December






Who is eligible for a booster dose?

JCVI advises that for the 2021 COVID-19 booster vaccine programme individuals who received vaccination in Phase 1 of the COVID-19 vaccination programme (priority groups 1 to 9) should be offered a third dose COVID-19 booster vaccine.

This includes:

• those living in residential care homes for older adults
• all adults aged 50 years or over
• frontline health and social care workers
• all those aged 16 to 49 years with underlying health conditions that put them at higher risk of severe COVID-19 and adult carers
• adult household contacts of immunosuppressed individuals

Can I book my 12-15-year-old in to have their vaccine at the surgery?

This age group will be done in school. You will receive information regarding this from the school nursing team. We are only able to vaccinate “at-risk” children in this age group.

Are you able to vaccine 16-17-year-olds?

On 4th August, the JCVI approved the vaccination of 16 and 17-year-olds.

Can I get proof of vaccination?

You can download the NHS app or call 119 to be sent a paper copy of your vaccine record. Please do not contact your GP surgery regarding this. Evidence is ONLY required for international travel at this time. This information is not taken from your GP record, so if you had a vaccine in another country it will not show on the app, even if it is added to your GP record. We have no way of getting these to appear on the app.

We are no longer issuing or updating vaccination cards as these cannot be used as evidence. The NHS app and paper version you can receive by calling 119 is the only official evidence that is required.

I’ve received a text to book but can’t see any dates when I click the link, why?

This means that we don’t have upcoming clinics available to book into at the moment. Keep checking the link and dates will appear as we add them.

Is there parking?

We have a limited number of parking spaces at the Surgery. Volunteers are on hand to direct you. If you are able to walk or cycle, this is preferable.

Will my GP be notified of the vaccine if I get it at Essex House and I’m not a registered patient?

A record of your vaccination will automatically go to your GP record, regardless of where you are registered. This can sometimes take a few days.

Can I choose which vaccine I have?

On the 7th May 2021, the JCVI updated their recommendations and now advise that patients under the age of 40, should not be offered the Astra Zeneca vaccine if there is an alternative available. In line with this, going forward all first dose vaccines will now be Pfizer.

If you have already received a first dose of Astra Zeneca and are under the age of 40, then it is recommended that you have your 2nd dose as Astra Zeneca as planned in order to provide you with longer lasting protection.

I read in the news that some batches of Astra Zeneca are not being accepted by the EU. Is this true?

No. Covishield vaccines have been administered in the UK. All Astra Zeneca vaccines given in the UK are the same product and appear on the NHS COVID pass as Vaxzevria. The European Medicines Agency has authorised this vaccine and it will be accepted for travel.

Do you ever waste vaccines at the end?

We have never wasted a single dose of vaccine at the end of a clinic.  We always use these doses for patients in the currently eligible cohort.

Will I be required to wait after my vaccine?

You will only be asked to wait on site for 15 minutes if you receive the Pfizer vaccine. We ask that you do not drive for 15 minutes after any of the vaccines.

Will I be contacted when it is time to have my 2nd dose?

You will be contacted by text or phone for your second dose appointment, the week before it is due.

Unlike mass vaccination sites, we do not get told ahead of time when these deliveries will come and so clinics are often planned less than a week ahead.

Can I have my second dose early if I am going away/on holiday?

No. Vaccines will be given  in line with government guidance. They are most effective when given at 8 weeks.

I have lots of questions regarding the vaccine, can I discuss these when I come to the vaccine clinic?

The clinic is intended for receiving the vaccination only. Staff are able to advise you briefly regarding side effects and will ask you screening questions to ensure that you are safe to receive the vaccine.

If you have in-depth questions regarding your personal medical history and the vaccine, then you should discuss these with a healthcare professional at your registered practice prior to attending the vaccination clinic.

Patient information leaflets can be found here:

Astra Zeneca

Pfizer BioNtech

Pregnancy and the covid vaccine

Should I be worried about the risk of clots?

The MHRA is carrying out a detailed review of reports of an extremely rare blood clotting problem affecting a small number of people who have had the Oxford/Astra Zeneca vaccine. The problem can also happen in people who have not been vaccinated and it’s not yet clear why it affects some people. The COVID-19 vaccine can help stop you from getting seriously ill or dying from coronavirus.  For people aged 40 or over and those with other health conditions, the benefits of being vaccinated outweigh any risk of clotting problems. For people under 40 without other health conditions, it is currently advised that it is preferable to have another COVID-19 vaccine instead of the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine. Call 111 immediately if you get any of these symptoms starting from around 4 days to 4 weeks after being vaccinated:

  • a severe headache that is not relieved with painkillers or is getting worse
  • a headache that feels worse when you lie down or bend over
  • a headache that’s unusual for you and occurs with blurred vision, feeling or being sick, problems speaking, weakness, drowsiness or seizures (fits)
  • a rash that looks like small bruises or bleeding under the skin
  • shortness of breath, chest pain, leg swelling or persistent abdominal (tummy) pain
  • Information leaflet on risk of clots.
Find out more about COVID-19 vaccination and blood clotting on GOV.UK
I have a personal or family history of stroke. Should I have the Astra Zeneca vaccine?
A personal or family history of stroke does not put you at higher risk of clots from the Astra Zeneca vaccine and you should take whatever vaccine you are offered at the earliest opportunity. More information can be read here

What side effects can I expect?

Like all medicines, vaccines can cause side effects. Most of these are mild and short term, and not everyone gets them.  Even if you do have symptoms after the first dose, you still need to have the second dose.

Although you may get some protection from the first dose, having the second dose will give you the best protection against the virus.

Very common side effects include:
• having a painful, heavy feeling and tenderness in the arm where you had your injection. This tends to be worst around 1-2 days after the vaccine.
• feeling tired
• headache
• general aches, or mild flu-like symptoms

These are the symptoms that we expect you to experience and indicate that your body is having an immune response to the vaccine.

Although feeling feverish is not uncommon for two to three days, a high temperature is unusual and may indicate you have COVID-19 or another infection.

An uncommon side effect is swelling of the glands. You can rest and take the normal dose of paracetamol (follow the advice in the packaging) to help make you feel better.

These symptoms normally last less than a week. If your symptoms seem to get worse or if you are concerned, contact the Surgery.  If you do seek advice from a doctor or nurse, make sure you tell them about your vaccination so that they can assess you properly.

You can also report suspected side effects of vaccines and medicines through the official Yellow Card scheme.
You can do this online by visiting the Coronavirus Yellow Card or by downloading the Yellow Card app.

Is there any reason I shouldn’t attend for the vaccine?

If you are currently unwell with a fever or any symptoms of Covid-19 then you should not attend for the vaccine and should delay until you are well.

If you have recently had Covid 19 then you should wait 28 days before receiving the vaccine.

If you have had an allergic reaction to any vaccine then you should volunteer this information on arrival at the vaccination centre.

If you have an allergy to Polyethylene glycol then you should not receive the Pfizer vacci