Glebe Road Surgery

1 Glebe Road, Barnes, London, SW13 0DR

Telephone: 020 8748 7398

We'll be open again at 8am every weekday


All patients are entitled to have a chaperone present during any consultation, examination or test where they feel one is required. Sometimes you may wish to be accompanied by a family member or friend. Other times you may wish to have a formal chaperone present, i.e. a trained member of the practice team. Wherever possible please make this request at the time of booking your appointment so that the necessary arrangements can be made. Whilst we will always do our best to provide a chaperone when requested, this may sometimes require us to re-book your appointment for a time when one is present.

On occasions your GP or nurse may require a chaperone to be present, this is in accordance with our chaperone policy.